While National NFC originally supported HB1417-FN, we have withdrawn our support…
Read MoreIf you haven’t already seen it, there is a great video on Maine’s Allagash region, rare Arctic charr, wild native brook trout…
Read MoreThe results of 2023 season-long temperature monitoring on MA NFC project water, Trout Brook in Dover.
Read MoreBelow is a partial list of retailers where Heritage Waters IPA can be found…
Read MoreMA NFC encourages the Atlantic States Marine Fisheries Commission to take action to address the decline in striped bass stocks…
Read MoreNFC encourages the Commission to take decisive action to address the current status of the striped bass fishery, and adopt all measures which will increase the chance of rebuilding the stock by the 2029 target date…
Read MoreWhen NFC learned of a proposal by Oklahoma Department of Wildlife Conservation in regard to including so-called “shoot and release” bowfishing in the daily bag limit for the species, we could not in good faith ignore it…
Read MoreNFC Executive Director Bob Mallard talks to Fish Untamed about native fish, Native Fish Coalition, fishing, fishermen, and trends in regard to fish and fishing…
Read MoreNFC National Chair, former National Vice Chair and Maine Chair, and founding member Emily Bastian sat down to talk Maine, native fish, and Native Fish Coalition with the folks at Fly Line Podcast…
Read MoreNFC Executive Director Bob Mallard talked native fish and NFC with Great Days Outdoors in Alabama…
Read MoreGeorgia NFC board member Palmer Henson sat down to talk GA brook trout with FISH UNTAMED podcast…
Read MoreNo one knows more about about redeye bass, or works harder to promote and preserve them than NFC National Vice Chair - South, Dr. Matthew Lewis…
Read MoreThis sends the wrong message, and the way it was done was contrary to the intent of Maine’s rule-making laws…
Read MoreIn the third installation of AWA’s Wild Thoughts Podcast, host Bill Ingersoll talks local wild native brook trout ponds with Scott Daskiewich…
Read MorePennsylvania NFC board member James Suleski talks trout with Wet Fly Swing Podcast…
Read MoreAs National Board members for Native Fish Coalition, we feel compelled to respond to some misleading statements about the organization and our positions pertaining to wild refuges and the proposed Buffalo Creek project…
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