Lifetime Memberships with Fly Rod (Epic)

Lifetime Memberships with Fly Rod (Epic)
NFC discovered Epic fly rods as a result of Executive Director Bob Mallard’s fly fishing writing. Their modern best-in-class S2 fiberglass rods immediately became a favorite of NFCers. Since then Epic has sponsored a native fish conservation guest column in MidCurrent featuring the writing of NFC Executive Director Bob Mallard. This relationship has provided NFC with several fly rods a year to raffle off to raise money for wild native fish conservation initiatves.
Taking out a lifetime membership with fly rod helps NFC raise money while giving you a state of the art fly rod. Lifetime memberships with an EpicFly Rod comes with a modern best-in-class S2 fiberglass fly rod. Options available for Small Streams (370 FastGlass) and Backcountry (476 Packlight - 5 piece). Comes with your choice of one of two Lifetime Member hats, an NFC Lifetime Member decal, brochure, and digital newsletter. These rods are in stock and will ship from the US.
NFC uses memberships as a way for you to show your support for what we do while helping to fund wild native fish conservation initiatives. If you want to be involved in day-to-day operations or decision making, please contact us about a possible Board or Advisory Council position in your respective state. Thank you for the support.
Special thanks to Epic for working with us to make this happen. Please support them as they have supported wild native fish and NFC.
Custom inscribed fly rods can take up to three weeks to ship. At times products may be backordered and can take a bit longer. We will do our best to keep you informed as to the expected ETA. Your patience is greatly appreciated.