Former MDIF&W Commissioner Bucky Owen Lends a Helping Hand

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Former Maine Department of Inland Fisheries and Wildlife Commissioner and UMaine professor, and current Maine NFC Advisory Council member Ray "Bucky" Owen and his wife Sue took some time to put up signs at two of our State Heritage Fish waters.

The Owens put up eight signs at fabled Nesowadnahunk Lake...

And two signs at nearby Little Nesowadnahunk Lake...

Commissioner Owen is one of our heroes.  His Quality Fishing Initiative of the early 1990's greatly improved Maine's brook trout fishing and bought them some time.  Commissioner Owen has done more for Maine's fish and wildlife, and for more years, than most anyone else.

And now he's out hanging up informational signs for us at 80+ years old -- how awesome is that.

Special thanks to the Owens and the rest of the Camp Phoenix gang for their sponsorship of the Nesowadnahunk Lake and Little Nesowadnahunk Lake signs and their general support for NFC and what we do.