NFC Executive Director Bob Mallard Talks Splake With Northwoods Sporting Journal
“When it comes to splake, the first question that comes to mind is why? Maine is home to 5 native salmonids, not including lake whitefish. We have Atlantic salmon, landlocked salmon, Arctic charr, brook trout, and lake trout. Maine is also home to nonnative brown trout and rainbow trout. With 7 salmonids, do we really need another?”
As part of his regular column, and in response to editor V. Paul Reynolds’ defense of Maine’s hybrid splake stocking program, NFC Executive Director Bob Mallard interjects some science into the discussion around this controversial and dangerous management program.
“Splake, and hybrid stocking in general represent everything wrong with modern state-sponsored fisheries management. Not only are we manufacturing a fishery, but we are also manufacturing a fish. Unsatisfied with what occurs naturally, state fisheries biologists take matters into their own hands to create something “better,” at least in their minds.”