NFC ED Bob Mallard Talks Green Lake Arctic Charr with Northwoods Sporting Journal
“Paul again defended the stocking of lake trout on top of native Arctic charr in Green Lake in this publication. As is often the case when sportsmen disagree, Paul used the term “evangelists” to describe native fish advocates. He even played the proverbial “camel’s nose” card, going well beyond the issue at hand.”
As part of his monthly column with Northwoods Sporting Journal, NFC Executive Director Bob Mallard rebutted a prior article written by editor V. Paul Reynold’s that defended stocking nonnative lake trout over rare wild native Arctic charr.
“While nothing is absolute in the world of fish as we have been moving fish around for well over a century, the science is pretty clear in regard to the Arctic charr in Green Lake. They are not from Floods Pond lineage as IFW recently challenged, and are most likely native.”