NFC ED Bob Mallard Chimes in on Bass Tournaments in Maine
Don’t think nonnative bass are a problem, ask these 2 native brookies. (Downeast Salmon Federation)
“In August, I publicly endorsed the Maine Department of Inland Fisheries and Wildlife’s proposal to prohibit bass tournaments in the North Zone. Native Fish Coalition, a group I represent, formally supported the proposal as well. As was the case with regard to my personal endorsement, the group thought it was supporting a complete ban. Unfortunately, this is not what we ended up with.”
NFC Executive Director Bob Mallard chimes in on Maine Department of Inland Fisheries and Wildlife proposal to exempt 5 waters from the North Zone bass tournament prohibition.
In addition to the dangerous precedent it sends, exempting waters from a Zone-wide restriction confuses the masses, as something is either bad or it’s not…
MDIFW also broke with tradition and at least violated the intent of the law when it made the exemptions after the public input period. Worse is that there was a much better, and for all involved, option on the table.
“After comments have been received and if the rule which the agency intends to adopt is substantially different from what was proposed, a revised fact sheet must be filed with the Legislature using the website above (sec. 8053-A(1)(A)). The agency solicits comments from the public on the proposed changes by publishing a notice in the Secretary of State’s Rulemaking ad and allowing a thirty day comment period (5 MRS sec. 8052 sub-sec. 5 par. B). This new comment deadline also triggers new adoption (120 day) and new Attorney General review (150 day) deadlines.”