NFC Executive Director Bob Mallard on the Last Fish of the Season (MidCurrent)...
NFC Executive Director Bob Mallard working a small wild native brook trout stream in northern New Hampshire in the waning hours of the 2024 open water fishing season…
“I want to end my season with a memory, not just another fish...”
NFC Executive Director Bob Mallard talks about the end of fishing season in northern New England. Fishing season starts late and ends early in the north country. For roughly 5 months a year, fly fishers must focus their attention on fly tying, skiing, snowshoing, and snowmobiling, and in Bob’s case, writing and working to preserve wild native fish.
Bob ended the 2024 season the way he wanted to, with a wild native brook trout caught from an unspoiled and unstocked stream. While measured in inches not pounds, to Bob the fish was a trophy. The only fish caught in 4 hours of fishing in spitting rain, cold, and 50 degree water, It was an event and a memory he will carry with him for years to come…
Special thanks to MidCurrent and Epic fly rods for making this article possible, and for their ongoing support of NFC and wild native fish. Please support them as they have supported us and the resources we love.
“There is something truly special about wild native fish in natural waters. It does something for me that no other type of fishing can. It’s about much more than fishing. It is an overall experience that connects me to what remains of our unspoiled natural world beyond the heavy hand of man and the impact of our long-standing belief that we can ‘improve’ everything...”
A wild native brook trout caught in the last hours of the New Hampshire open water fishing season…