With our Maine chapter firing on all cylinders, it's time to strengthen our New Hampshire and Vermont Boards and Advisory Councils to help move our initiatives in those states forward…
Read MoreThis led to an email which in turn led to Avid replacing the unit with a new reader with additional functionality gratis…
Read MoreWe are only 4 tickets away from drawing a winner for a NFC inscribed Epic 370 FastGlass, 7ft 3wt 4pc, fiberglass fly rod valued at $825…
Read MoreWhile some people are getting a slightly different result, this is what many people appear to be seeing when they Google “Maine Native Fish”, “New Hampshire Native Fish”, and “Vermont Native Fish”…
Read MoreDER, the City of Fall River, The Nature Conservancy, and other partners removed the Bleachery Dam in Freetown in 2016. Removal of the dam reconnected seven miles of Rattlesnake Brook to the Taunton River and opened the brook to migration of trout…
Read More“It would have negative impacts on Maine’s brook trout, cause significant habitat fragmentation in the north woods, and it would also have dramatic visual and recreational impacts in the region”…
Read MoreWhile the claim that the proposed power line would destroy “pristine wilderness” may be exaggerated, the potential impact on Maine’s natural resources is not…
Read MoreAny blockage on the Denny's River that doesn't have passage needs to be addressed for salmon to both recover and thrive like they did…
Read MoreThanks to the efforts of artist Karen Talbot and writer and fisheries advocate Ret Talbot, wild native salmonid waters in the Deboullie Public Reserved Lands in northern Maine got their first custom State Heritage Fish and Arctic Charr signs…
Read MoreIFW’s recent assertion that catch and-release is hurting Maine’s fisheries was challenged on many fronts…
Read MoreMaine NFC Chair Emily Bastian and National Vice Chair Bob Mallard drove to Princeton, Maine, on the Canadian Border to deliver custom State Heritage Fish signs to the Passamaquoddy Tribe at Indian Township…
Read MoreThe article below by John Litvaitis appeared in Northern Woodlands magazine. It features a picture of Maine NFC Chair Emily Bastian along with two others that while not attributed to NFC came from NFC. It’s great to see this rare and unique fish finally getting the attention it deserves...
Read MoreMost lakes, ponds, rivers, and many streams in New Hampshire are now stocked. Wild native brook trout are now found mostly in small headwater streams and wild trout management is all but stalled out…
Read MoreThanks to the generosity of the folks at Swift Fly Fishing out of New Zealand, NFC is raffling off a Studio Built 370 FastGlass II fly rod. With a retail value of $825, this 7-foot 3-weight 4-piece S2 fiberglass rod is arguably the finest and most versatile small stream rod on the market today…
Read MoreThe brook trout became New Hampshire’s state fish in 1994. And there’s a group that doesn’t want to see it be forced out of the Granite State by non-natives like the rainbow or brown trout taking over its habitat…
Read MoreIf you carefully examine Central Maine Power’s plan to build a transmission line to deliver Canadian hydropower to Massachusetts, you’ll discover the company is promising that in return for being allowed to ravage the western part of this state, the project will turn everybody in the Bay State into a nicer person…
Read MorePeople love fishing for trout. They love it so much that we are willing to go to insane lengths to catch them. But what should we make of the fact that much of that experience of fishing for trout is just a facsimile of what it once was… and may actually be BAD for the very same fish, that we so love to catch?
Read MoreThe Michigan Department of Natural Resources has extended an experimental regulation allowing a 10-fish daily possession limit for brook trout in 33 streams in the Upper Peninsula…
Read MoreFloods Pond in Maine is an outdoor laboratory where rare wild native Arctic charr can be studied in a natural setting…
Read MoreWhen 20 years later you can remember every freshwater fish you caught [four] in the 10- to 15-pound class and recall their willingness to take you on with a fervor still unfamiliar, then get to hold them and be awed by beauty only matched by brook trout, you caught the Salmonidae arctic char [Salvelinus alpinus]…
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