NFC is excited to announce the launch of a new chapter in Wisconsin…
Read MoreWe really need to be careful here as we are now fighting for what we have been fighting against for decades: the introduction of nonnative fish...
Read MoreSpecifically, we will now show fish species in their actual size so as to help eliminate confusion and lessen misidentification…
Read MoreIn most states, wild native brook trout in rivers and streams are afforded the least protection of any salmonid and many other game species, including stocked and nonnative fish…
Read MoreWin an 8-foot, 5-weight, 4-piece Studio Built FastGlass unidirectional S2 fiberglass fly rod from Epic out of New Zealand, makers of NFC’s favorite glass fly rods…
Read MoreAs I have said for years, the idea that trout should be unlimited is flawed, and at the root, directly and indirectly, of many of our nonnative fish woes…
Read MoreNFC is in the process of bringing up a chapter in Ohio. This will give us a 3-state contiguous footprint in along with Pennsylvania and West Virginia…
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