Nearly a year after NFC first brought it to the attention of the masses, Vermont’s highest-in-the-east daily limit on brook trout in rivers and streams, 12-fish, still stands...
Read MoreTwo Special Agents from NOAA's Office of Law Enforcement spent more than 15,000 hours investigating an illegal fishing scheme that was operating off of the coast of North Carolina. Thirty co-conspirators were part of the illicit activity…
Read MoreIn response to what had become a bit cluttered, NFC with the help of Ben Brunt and Rippled Waters have modified our online store to be three-tier with a category page, product list within category pages, and individual product pages…
Read MoreAnswer: Creation of Maine’s Heritage Fish Waters – 500 lakes and ponds [actually 578 and counting] where we now protect our native brook trout…
Read MoreNFC co-founder, National Vice Chair, and Maine Board Member, Bob Mallard was recently interviewed on The Fisheries Podcast…
Read MoreNFC National Vice Chair Bob Mallard and NH board member Justin Hardesty joined New Hampshire Fish and Game (NH F&G) earlier this fall for a day of electrofishing on a White Mountain stream…
Read MoreThe Maine Department of Inland Fisheries and wildlife stepped up big time to expand protection of our native brook trout and Arctic charr. Recently, they went public with their proposal and I want to share it with you today…
Read MoreIf approved, the current IFW proposal would protect more waters than the proposed amendments as it is not limited to inlets, or in fact even moving water. As a result, live bait would be prohibited on numerous streams that would not have been included in the proposed amendment…
Read MoreThe Department of Inland Fisheries and Wildlife is exploring a strategy to maintain fishing opportunities and enhance protections for Maine’s wild brook trout populations within the state’s northern half, which contains our most significant wild trout populations and 95% of Maine’s heritage fish waters…
Read MoreMaine’s Department of Environmental Protection has proposed exciting upgrades for more than 400 miles of rivers and streams. Although this is supposed to be something that’s done every three years, this is the first time in almost 10 years that the DEP has proposed to upgrade water quality protections…
Read MoreTo their credit, Maine Department of Inland Fisheries and Wildlife withdrew their requests to remove Cold Water Pond and Henderson Pond from the State Heritage Fish list…
Read MoreIn a disappointing decision, Maine Department of Inland Fisheries and Wildlife (MDIFW) has decided to go forward with a plan to stock Crescent Lake with lake trout from another water…
Read MoreNFC just got in our first batch of logo beverage koozies…
Read MoreWith cooler weather upon us, NFC volunteers have hit the woods and started putting up signs again…
Read MoreThe best purchase my wife Linda and I ever made was our camp on the edge of Baxter State Park. Set on Sourdnahunk Lake, Camp Phoenix was a sporting camp for 100 years, until a fellow purchased it and turned it into a condominium. We each own our cabin, and we own the land in common…
Read MoreAs a fly-fishing guide based out of Kingfield, I get to share some of the most beautiful remote places in Maine with my clients from around the state and from as far away as Australia. After a 20-year guiding career, I’ve seen the raw excitement of a kid who has just hooked their first brookie…
Read MoreNew NFC species decals -- Arctic Charr, Atlantic Salmon and Brook Trout…
Read MoreThe Native Fish Coalition (NFC) and the Sportsman’s Alliance of Maine (SAM), along with the Maine Department of Inland Fisheries and Wildlife (MDIF&W) have embarked on a project to post signs on 575 waters identified as “Heritage Waters.”…
Read MoreAt the public hearing to discuss the proposal, several people spoke up against the proposal, and no one other than MDIFW supported it…
Read MoreReilly Rod Crafters recognizes Native Fish Coalition along side fish conservation giants Bonefish & Tarpon Trust, Captains for Clean Water, and Trout Unlimited…
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