Native Fish Coalition Founds Alabama Chapter, Reaching Beyond Salmonids

The Native Fish Coalition’s mission is to protect, preserve, and restore wild native fish populations through stewardship of the fish and their habitats. Founded in 2017, the group is largely made up of fly fishing and conservation enthusiasts from the Northeast US. They’ve dedicated their work to the memory of Dr. Robert J. Behnke, a prolific fisheries biologist, and hero to trout fishers everywhere…

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Q-n-A: Fly Fishing for Redeye Bass

I enjoyed the book immensely, and was just sitting down to write a review of it for this week’s post…when in my inbox came an email from the author himself! Matt is studying Redeye Bass for his PhD at Auburn, and we made plans to chat about research, but I couldn’t help asking for a Q-n-A. I had a few questions to ask Matt about this cool group of species, and how he came to write the book…

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Guest UserComment

The name rolls off the tongue like cool water slides through mossy cobbles in a shaded mountain stream. And fitting that it should; it translates to little salmon of the fount, or spring. Eastern brook trout is a member of the salmonid family and shares many physical characteristics, but it is neither a salmon nor a trout. Fish in the Salvelinus genus are collectively called char and, along with the brook trout, include bull trout, lake trout, dolly varden, and Arctic char…

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