Project summary: The Blackfoot River one of the most productive watersheds for Yellowstone Cutthroat Trout (YCT) throughout their distribution and historically supported a remarkable recreational fishery…
Read MoreThe aptly named, “Native Trout”, June-July 2022 issue of Fly Fisherman magazine features spotlights on two NFC members and cameos of another…
Read MoreTherefore, The Rhode Island Chapter of Trout Unlimited supports the cessation of stocking in streams with a self-sustaining wild brook trout population, including the upper Wood River Watershed…
Read MoreThis initiative will improve connectivity for native trout in Montana by creating fish passage at three diversions and one culvert. The project locations are in long term, climate resilient priority watersheds…
Read MoreBass are generally not considered "invasive" these days. They have been present in New England now for over 150 years and are more popular than trout with the angling public…
Read MoreThanks to a new agreement, the plate now also provides funding for the Division of Fisheries and Wildlife (MassWildlife) to target high-priority restoration efforts in trout streams…
Read MoreFisheries biologists in southwest Montana have been leading the charge to protect native cutthroat trout, one of the state’s most beloved aquatic species—but not without setbacks…
Read MoreThe Alabama chapter of Native Fish Coalition Alabama attended a showing of the the Fishing Film Tour sponsored by Deep South Outfitters and hosted by Cahaba Brewing Co…
Read MoreAnother voice chiming in on NH’s plan to spend $55 million dollars in COVID relief money to upgrade and expand their fish hatcheries…
Read MoreMaine NFC board member Larry Bastian and his wife and NFC Secretary/Treasurer Debby Bastian recently went for a walk to Anna Ruby Falls on Smith Creek in Chattahoochee-Oconee National Forest…
Read MoreThe Georgia chapter of NFC recently attended the 2022 Blueridge Trout and Outdoor Adventures Festival…
Read MoreNFC Executive Director Bob Mallard chimes in on NH allocating $55 million in taxpayer money to update and expand hatchery system…
Read MoreInformational signs highlighting the presence of wild native brook trout in the upper Deerfield watershed were posted earlier this spring thanks to a multi-party initiative…
Read MoreInformational signs highlighting the presence of wild native brook trout in the upper Deerfield watershed were posted earlier this spring thanks to a multi-party initiative…
Read MoreOn April 11th, South Carolina Governor Henry McMaster signed Act #137 into law…
Read MoreNative cutthroat trout are the most ecologically important fish of the park and the most prized, and highly regarded by visiting anglers…
Read MoreFor me, nothing is more synonymous with the Maine fishing scene than wild native brook trout ponds…
Read MoreLong Pond offered salmon, brook trout and smallmouth bass while Echo Lake supplied brook trout, bass and white perch. But the magnetic attraction to me was the multitude of small brooks…
Read MoreAs the temperature rises and the masses head to their favorite streams for some relief from the heat, they leave behind a trail of disturbance including litter, rock cairns, and small rock dams…
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