NFC Announces Connecticut Chapter
NFC is very excited to announce the formation of a Connecticut chapter. Continuing our movement south from our origins in Maine, we now have contiguous chapters in Maine, New Hampshire, Vermont, Massachusetts, and Connecticut, as well as Pennsylvania, and our first non-salmonid state, Alabama.
“Connecticut is home to more than 75 species of freshwater and anadromous fish from 23 families. More than 50 of these are native to the state. Nearly 100 species of saltwater fish have been identified in Connecticut Department of Energy and Environmental Protection annual trawl surveys since 1984, showing a great diversity of native fishes in the state’s inshore and nearshore waters.”
Special thanks to our Connecticut team for making this happen: Michael Day (Chair), Josh Parsons (Vice Chair), Rowan Lytle (Secretary), Scott Cork, Ted Rosenkrantz, Pete Sconzo, Carl Swanson, John Wadsworth, and Leslie Wrixon. I’d also like to thank National Vice Chair Emily Bastian and Technologist Ben Brunt.