South Carolina NFC works to Identify and Protect Bartram's Bass

The South Carolina chapter of NFC is working with South Carolina Department of Natural Resources to identify, collect, document, and map populations of South Carolina’s pure-strain native redeye bass, the Bartram's bass. This unique species of black bass is threatened by the introduction of nonnative Alabama bass which are are hybridizing with the native Bartram’s bass at an alarming rate.

SC NFC board members are carrying fin clipping kits in their fishing packs to be able to help identify and document bass in the Santee and Savannah River basins using fishing tackle. Once collected, NFC forwards the clippings to SCDNR for genetic analysis.

The information resulting from this “Citizen Science” effort helps assessing the status of Bartram’s bass, as well as direct future conservation efforts to help identifying the areas most affected. SC NFC is proud to work alongside SCDNR in protecting our state's wild native fishes.