NFC Launches North Carolina Chapter

NFC is excited to announce the launch of our new North Carolina chapter. This bridges NFC’s 3-state southern contiguous footprint with our 11-state northern contiguous footprint, giving us a 15-state contiguous footprint from Maine to Alabama…

North Carolina has a abundance of native fishes, including both warmwater and coldwater freshwater species, as well as saltwater species. North Carolina is also a critically important wild native brook trout state, including Great Smokey Mountains National Park and Pisgah National Forest.

Special thanks to our new North Carolina team: Chair Michael Kesselring, Vice Chair Ian Young, Secretary Lee Setzer, and Members at Large Preston Bonoffski, Mike Butler, Will Harris, Jason Marquardt, Kyle Micou, John Rich, and Philip Schwehm.

And thanks to National Vice Chair - South Matthew Lewis, Technologist Ben Brunt, and National Chair Emily Bastian for helping to get everything in place.