NFC Launches Michigan Chapter...

NFC is excited to announce the launch of our new Michigan chapter, our 21st state to date. This expands our presence in the Great Lakes region while bridging the gap between our previously established Ohio and Wisconsin chapters to provide a contiguous footprint.

Efforts to restore Arctic grayling to native waters in the Lower Penninsula of Michigan are one of the most exciting developments in the nation in regard to native fish. And the Upper Penninsula is home to some of the most significant wild native brook trout populations outside of the Northeast.

If you are interested in learning more, or possibly being part of our MI chapter, please email us at

Special thanks to Michigan NFC Chair Shane Flinn, Vice Chair Mark Zaremski, and members at large Samuel Taylor, Colton Walker, Christian Wuerth, and Stan Zarnowiecki. And to National Vice Chair - Northeast Brian Cowden, National Chair Emily Bastian, and Technologist Ben Brunt for helping to make this happen.

Clockwise from top left: Chair Shane Flinn, Vice Chair Mark Zaremski, and members at large Samuel Taylor, Stan Zarnowiecki, Christian Wuerth, and .Colton Walker.