16' Tape Measure

16' Tape Measure


Physical measurements are an important part of stream assessment. This includes stream width, water depth, small dam openings, culvert diameter, perched-drop height, etc. NFC has found that nothing works better than a self-locking, easy retracting, 16-foot tape measure with a belt-clip, stiff tape, and large numbers. At no time should a team be in the field without one of these invaluable tools.

Note: This transaction is a donation not a purchase. You will not receive the item in question. Your money will go towards purchasing one or more of the items for use in the field by NFC volunteers.

You will receive an email donation confirmation for tax purposes. If you prefer a printed confirmation, please contact us at Info@NativeFishCoalition.org. Thank you for the support.

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All prices include US Postal Service shipping within the United States.  For international orders, expedited delivery or addresses requiring UPS delivery, please contact Info@NativeFishCoalition.orgAll proceeds go to fund NFC conservation initiatives.