Jeff Moore installing a temperature logger in Trout Brook in Dover, Massachusetts.
NFC is proud to announce our first ever “NFC Board Member Spotlight,” Jeff Moore from our Massachusetts chapter. A new program that recognizes efforts above and beyond the call of duty on the part of our volunteer board members, chapter chairs will submit candidates for consideration.
While not a formal board member until roughly a year or so ago, Jeff has worked with NFC since early on. A friend of NFC Executive Director Bob Mallard since elementary school, Jeff tagged along on a number of NFC projects in Maine before joining the board in his home state of Massachusetts.
Jeff Moore (right) was there for the first ME State Heritage Fish sign as well as the 200th.
Jeff was there with Bob when the first 5 Maine State Heritage Fish waters received informational signs. He was with Bob and NFC National Chair Emily Bastian when the 200th State Heritage Fish water was posted two years later. Jeff was also with Bob when the first State Heritage Fish signs were posted on tribal land.
Jeff and “Lobster Daylight” of the Penobscot Nation with a tribe specific sign for tribal waters.
In total, Jeff has been involved in posting 17 State Heritage Fish signs on 11 waters, including several that he posted on his own. But this is not why he is being recognized at this time…
In addition to his prior and ongoing support of ME NFC’s State Heritage Fish sign project, Jeff has really stepped up in regard to Massachusetts NFC’s Trout Brook Holistic Assessment/Restoration project, and this is why he is being recognized.
From the very beginning of the project, Jeff has taken a lead role in regard to collecting information about the watershed that was not previously available. His photos have allowed those of us who cannot be there to assist from afar. Jeff also paddling a stretch of water that likely had not seen a human in decades, e-fished with MassWildlife, and helped install roughly 10 temperature loggers.
Without Jeff’s hard work, NFC would not be where we are in regard to this important project. Thanks to Jeff, we now know more about Trout Brook and what is going on there than anyone else alive. This firsthand knowledge will be critical in regard to trying to mitigate the problems the stream is facing.