Georgia NFC Cleans Up Sweetwater Creek State Park
NFC board members Palmer Henson, Michael Plets, Seth Yarbrough and daughter, Eric Rogers and son, and Karl Kortemeier.
On Saturday February 24, 2024, the Georgia chapter of NFC hosted a clean-up on Sweetwater Creek State Park, less than 20 miles from downtown Atlanta. This 2,500+ acre park is home to forested hills, miles of trails, and several miles of Sweetwater Creek.
Sweetwater Creek is home to wild native shoal bass, Micropterus Cataractae, as well as native largemouth bass, and is a favorite fishing spot of GA NFC members due to easy public access. Several other species of fish native to Georgia can be found there as well.
GA NFC worked with Adrian Fox, an Interpretive Ranger at the park, to organize this early season clean up. Several GA NFC board members, and a couple of their kids, cleaned up the area and stuck around afterward to fish.
The GA chapter is working with the Park to organize a larger clean up later this spring. Due to its proximity to western Atlanta suburbs and industrial areas, there is a lot of debris in the creek that collects in logjams and shoals after heavy rains.