Historically, the Saco River was one of the premier trout fishing rivers in the Northeast. Today, the natural reproductive capability of native fish populations has been exceeded by angler demand, and stocking of hatchery reared brook, brown, and rainbow trout…
Read MoreThe Hippo, a weekly free newspaper out of Manchester, NH, recently did a piece on New Hampshire’s state symbols. While they noted the brook trout as the State Freshwater Fish, they posted pictures of nonnative brown trout on the cover…
Read MoreIt was recently announced that 11-year New Hampshire Fish and Game Executive Director Glenn Normandeau would be stepping down at the end of his term this March…
Read MoreNFC National Vice Chair and Maine Board member Bob Mallard along with volunteer Jeff Moore made a trip to the northern end of Franklin County in Maine to post the first tribe-specific State Heritage Fish signs on tribal-owned land…
Read MoreWhile much of our emphasis is on habitat, nonnative fish are arguably the biggest threat to our native trout today. When you consider state-sponsored introductions — stocking and transfers, including trout; private stocking — often organization-sponsored; the in-migration of stocked fish from a secondary source; angler-initiated “bucket-biology,” and nonnative minnows resulting from the illegal, and legal, use of live fish as bait, it’s likely nothing even comes close…
Read MoreIn just 16 months, Maine NFC and volunteers have posted State Heritage Fish signs on 200 so-designated waters. The 200th water, aptly named Lucky Pond in Piscataquis County, was posted on Thursday , September 26th…
Read MoreThe department just has not moved forward as much as we would have liked to see it,” Phillipson said. “By getting a new director, we get new ideas and ways to deal with emerging stuff.”…
Read MoreMaine NFC Chair and National Secretary/Treasurer Emily Bastian talks about our State Heritage Fish sign project with The Maine Sportsman magazine…
Read MoreWritten by NFC National Vice Chair Bob Mallard, and published on the Epic Fly Rods blog, while not a conservation piece per se, it connects fishing to conservation, something that is very important in the grand scheme of things…
Read MoreAt a recent public hearing in regard to a proposed prohibition on the use of live fish as bait in Maine’s North Region, retired Maine Department of Inland Fisheries and Wildlife (MDIFW) biologist Paul Johnson defended the use of live fish as bait…
Read MoreNFC National Vice Chair Bob Mallard chimed in on the Bangor Daily News in regard to a recent story where Maine Department of Inland Fisheries and Wildlife was quoted as saying that catch-and-release was harming Maine’s fisheries…
Read MoreNew Hampshire’s Swift River is one of the most beautiful rivers in New England. It winds it’s way along the fabled Kancamagus Highway…
Read MoreThe state has adopted a recreational fishing rule that will limit the use of live fish as bait in much of the northern management zone in order to protect wild trout waters, including tributaries and outlets of heritage ponds…
Read MoreThe Vermont chapter of NFC attended the American Museum of Fly Fishing’s summer expo on Saturday, August 10th. They had a booth in the event tent and presented on brook trout in the museum itself…
Read MoreDon’t think you have a voice? Can’t make a difference even if you wanted to? Your opinion doesn’t matter? Don’t want to waste your time on lost causes? Deck is stacked against you? Think again…
Read MoreLast week the Maine Department of Inland Fisheries and Wildlife’s advisory council approved a rule that sounds ominous, but will actually change very little for the state’s anglers.
Read MoreThe Maine chapter of NFC recently worked with Maine Bureau of Parks and Lands to post 11 custom State Heritage Fish signs on 7 waters in the new Cold Stream Forest public land…
Read MoreNFC National Vice Chair Bob Mallard talked brook trout with Roger Maves from Ask About Fly Fishing internet radio…
Read MoreMaine’s newest critical wild native brook trout public land, Cold Stream Forest near Jackman and West Forks, just got custom State Heritage Fish signs (SHF)…
Read MoreCovering more than 580 waters, Maine’s State Heritage Fish (SHF) law is the largest and most important wild native brook trout initiative in the nation…
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