Maine Gets First Sturgeon Signs...

Building on a multi-state project started in Massachusetts pertaining to federally Endangered shortnose sturgeon and Threatened Atlantic sturgeon, the Maine chapter of NFC worked with NOAA Fisheries and Maine Department of Marine Resources to develop an informational sign for coastal rivers and streams throughout the state.

In late June, hundreds of sturgeon showed up in Cobbossee Stream in Gardner, Maine.  These fish, some of which were said to approach 10-feet in length, apparently moved into the stream from their historic spawning grounds on the mainstem Kennebec River which was at flood stage at the time due to heavy rain. 

NFC looks to expand the project into New Hampshire, New Jersey, Pennsylvania and Maryland to help inform and educate the masses, and help protect these unique and at-risk unique wild native anadromous fish. 

Special thanks to ME NFC board member Mark Simonds, ME Chair Tom Johnson, National Chair and Maine board member Emily Bastian, and the rest of the Maine team for making this happen.