Posts in National
Last Call: Saving the Nation’s Atlantic Salmon from Extinction

Will wild native Atlantic salmon go the way of the passenger pigeon, or will we be able to bring them back from the brink of extinction as we did the bald eagle, our National Bird, or bison, our National Mammal? As the lights dim on the “King of Fish,” we must ask ourselves, are we doing everything we can to prevent the loss of the nation’s iconic Atlantic salmon? The answer, sadly, is no….

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Assessing the impact of stocking northern-origin hatchery brook trout on the genetics of wild populations in North Carolina

The release of hatchery-origin fish into streams with endemics can degrade the genetics of wild populations if interbreeding occurs. Starting in the 1800s, brook trout descendent from wild populations in the northeastern United States were stocked from hatcheries into streams across broad areas of North America to create and enhance fishery resources…

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