Jeff has really stepped up in regard to Massachusetts NFC’s Trout Brook Holistic Assessment/Restoration project, and this is why he is being recognized…
Read MoreWhile striped bass and other fish are worthy of consideration, like the bald eagle and North American bison, one species of fish stands above all others in regard to majesty, power, strength, and endurance: the Atlantic salmon…
Read MoreMany anglers can’t tell the difference between brown trout and landlocked salmon. However, they are separated from a regulations standpoint by DIF&W, each with its own general law. You could make the same argument for splake and lake trout…
Read MoreThe watercress darter (Etheostoma nuchale) is a small fish that occurs in only four springs in the Black Warrior River drainage in Alabama…
Read MoreAt this point in my life, I am far more concerned about fish than I am fishing. While the latter is not in trouble, the former is, at least with regard to wild native fish. The survival of several species of wild native fish found mostly in Maine are at risk. Others could become so if we are not careful…
Read MoreThe only 2 states that haven't had a user look at our site in the last 30 days is New Mexico and North Dakota…
Read MoreOn the cover was a painting of a nonnative brown trout…
Read MoreAs a result of a high level of interest and unanswered questions from my recent article on Maine’s endangered redfin pickerel, I felt a follow-up was warranted to answer some of those questions and outline a path forward…
Read MoreThe Heritage Waters IPA is now available at the brewery and retail outlets throughout Maine…
Read MoreAs part of his conservation guest column with MidCurrent, sponsored by Epic Fly Rods, NFC Executive Director Bob Mallard talks about “Holistic Assessment and Restoration,” a new way of looking at aquatic ecosystem conservation…
Read MoreSpecifically, we will now show fish species in their actual size so as to help eliminate confusion and lessen misidentification…
Read MoreAlong with running full length feature story on Pennsylvania’s wild native brook trout written by PA NFC Board member James Suleski in Fly Fisherman magazine, publisher Ross Purnell backed it with his own piece on native fish…
Read MoreThe New Hampshire chapter of Native Fish Coalition will be tabling at two upcoming showings of the Fly Fishing Film Tour…
Read MoreWhile chain pickerel are relatively common, redfin pickerel are listed as Endangered at the state level in Maine…
Read MoreNFC Executive Bob Mallard will be presenting on New England’s Rare Sunapee and Blueback Trout at the Battenkill Fly Fishing Festival on Saturday, April 29…
Read MoreThe lucky winner of this really awesome 580-4 FastGlass Studio Built fly rod from our friends at Epic is George from Connecticut…
Read MoreWhile we hold a tournament to remove 3,000 wild native lake trout from Moosehead each winter, we stock 5,000 nonnative landlocked salmon a few months later each spring…
Read MoreBiologists have a term for stocking over wild fish: Supplementary stocking. We do it try to appease anglers who want more from the resource than it can naturally provide…
Read MorePennsylvania NFC board member James Suleski talks about brook trout management in his home state with Fly Fisherman magazine…
Read MoreThe screen scrape above comes from a West Virginia Department of Natural Resources webpage on brook trout…
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