Few waters in the northeast have been talked about as much as Rhode Island’s (RI) Wood River. For years trout conservationists have challenged Rhode Island Department Environmental Management (RIDEM) and Rhode Island Fish & Wildlife (RIF&W) , as well as each other, as to how the resource should be managed…
Read MoreAs anyone who knows me can attest to, I am not one to throw compliments around lightly. I am also not one to mince words or pull any punches...
Read MoreCongress and the White House have saved the key piggy bank for protecting wildlife habitat and hunting and fishing access, and are now dueling over how much money to leave in it…
Read MoreIt's official, Native Fish Coalition National Vice Chair and Maine Board member Bob Mallard’s upcoming brook trout book is now in the proofing stage and heading to the printer in May for a summer release...
Read MoreWe formed a web team to work with the North Atlantic LCC and Ferguson Lynch Consulting to create a comprehensive web content management system tailored to the needs of all partners involved in Atlantic salmon and sea-run fish restoration in Maine…
Read MoreMaine NFC just finished three days at the State of Maine Sportsman’s Show in Augusta. Hosted by The Maine Sportsman and Sportsman’s Alliance of Maine, this was NFC’s strongest so-called “hook-and-bullet” show to date, and second to only Common Ground Fair as a non fly fishing show…
Read MoreIt should come as no surprise that Vermont Fish and Wildlife and the governors office backed off their proposal to close the Salisbury fish hatchery…
Read MoreThe Maine chapter of NFC just posted roughly 20 Atlantic salmon informational signs on the lower Penobscot River and tributaries…
Read MoreTony Demboski can’t think of a better breakfast than a few brook trout, rolled in flour, salt and pepper and fried alongside eggs and potatoes. “One of the finest-eating fishes there is,” said the 79-year-old resident of Quinnesec, a speck of a town outside of Iron Mountain in Michigan’s western Upper Peninsula…
Read MoreThe brook trout once was king in New York, and, in fact, it was the only trout east of the Mississippi, but when the statewide trout season opens April 1, most every angler will be trying to catch a brown trout. Or a lot of them….
Read MoreThe Maine chapter of Native Fish Coalition testified at a public rule-making hearing in regard to the proposed ban on live bait, minnows, in the North Region of Maine…
Read MoreThe Maine chapter of NFC and our partners Downeast Salmon Federation and Atlantic Salmon Federation worked with Maine Department of Marine Resources (DMR) to help protect adult critically endangered Atlantic salmon from misidentification…
Read MoreTo save money, Gov. Phil Scott wants to shut down a fish hatchery, and the organized angling community is in a tizzy…
Read MorePublic hearings will be held in Millinocket and Hallowell on March 18 and 19 to discuss a proposal to ban the use of live fish as bait by rule not exception in the North Region...
Read MoreEvery day, 50 million gallons of water full of arsenic, lead and other toxic metals flow from contaminated mining sites into waterways from Montana to California. The contaminated water poisons aquatic life and taints drinking water…
Read MoreAll-star volunteer Kerry Hegarty of Jackman, Maine, just posted the 200th State Heritage Fish sign…
Read MoreVT TU certainly endorses a heightened awareness of wild trout and habitat but we all know the ‘safety net’ and resources provided by state trout hatcheries… This hatchery seems to matter. Let’s keep it…
Read MorePurchase a 1-in-100 chance to win a $1,000 9-foot 5-weight 4-piece Winston Air fly rod with “Native Fish Coalition” inscription for just $20…
Read MoreR. L. Winston Rod Co. has generously donated a custom imprinted, “Native Fish Coalition”, 9’ 5-weight, 4-piece Winston Air fly rod with a retail value of $950 to NFC to help raise funds for our conservation initiatives…
Read MoreIf you have any plans of throwing a line into Idaho waters this year--specifically the South Fork of the Snake River--you could earn yourself some cash in the process…
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