We have several new NFC logo products we’d like to make you aware of…
Read MoreWe’ve all seen it, large mammals with electronic collars or ear tags, birds with leg bands, and fish with small antennas sticking out of their bellies or clipped fins…
Read MoreThe information collected through the Brook Trout Survey by volunteer anglers – verified by biologists – will help inform future fisheries management decisions…
Read MoreThe reason trout move upstream during warm water periods is obvious: Colder water. Why they move upstream in low-water periods is less obvious, and in some ways counter-intuitive…
Read MoreThe release of hatchery-origin fish into streams with endemics can degrade the genetics of wild populations if interbreeding occurs. Starting in the 1800s, brook trout descendent from wild populations in the northeastern United States were stocked from hatcheries into streams across broad areas of North America to create and enhance fishery resources…
Read MoreSuperstar NFC volunteer Kerry Hegarty just posted the first State Heritage Fish sign of spring 2020. Driving 74 miles round trip and spending 4 hours afield…
Read MoreIn summer 2019, R. L. Winston Rod Co. generously donated a custom imprinted, “Native Fish Coalition”, 9’ 5-weight, 4-piece Winston Air fly rod with a retail value of $950 to NFC to help raise funds for conservation initiatives…
Read MoreDIFW Commissioner Judy Camuso is opening fishing in our brooks and streams early, and will allow anyone to fish without a license.
Read MoreIn March 2020 we drew the winner for a NFC logoed Epic 370 FastGlass fly rod. Generously donated by Swift Fly Fishing out of New Zealand…
Read MoreThe following quotes come from a recent post made on Maine Department of Inland Fisheries and Wildlife website called, 30 Ways to help conserve Maine’s fisheries…
Read MoreBig thanks to Zach and the folks at Wingo Outdoors for providing NFC with enough lanyards to outfit our ME, NH, and VT shows and presentations…
Read MoreHaving sold the 100 tickets, we just drew the winner streamside at an iced-in wild native brook trout stream in New Hampshire’s White Mountains…
Read MoreGreat news! A legislative committee has voted unanimously for a resolve to void CMP’s public lands lease for their destructive corridor through western Maine. The resolve also notes that Maine’s constitution requires approval by two-thirds of the legislature for public lands to be substantially altered…
Read MoreNFC went to the White Mountain National Forest in New Hampshire to prove there are wild native brook trout, even on heavily stocked waters…
Read MoreThe following comes from an email we received from NFC all-star volunteer Jerry Derosier. At 26 waters and counting, Jerry has posted more State Heritage Fish waters than almost anyone else associated with the project. I suspect by spring he will be our top poster…
Read MoreOur Winter 2020 newsletter is now out. For those who do not get it, click here to read…
Read MoreWith our Maine chapter firing on all cylinders, it's time to strengthen our New Hampshire and Vermont Boards and Advisory Councils to help move our initiatives in those states forward…
Read MoreThis led to an email which in turn led to Avid replacing the unit with a new reader with additional functionality gratis…
Read MoreWe are only 4 tickets away from drawing a winner for a NFC inscribed Epic 370 FastGlass, 7ft 3wt 4pc, fiberglass fly rod valued at $825…
Read MoreWhile some people are getting a slightly different result, this is what many people appear to be seeing when they Google “Maine Native Fish”, “New Hampshire Native Fish”, and “Vermont Native Fish”…
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