ME NFC attended the first Maine Fly Guys and Maine Fly Co. Maine Fly Fishing Summer Showcase…
Read MoreMembers of our Pennsylvania chapter represented NFC at a series of minor league baseball games in Altoona, PA, where the Altoona Curve temporarily rebranded themselves as the Altoona Brookies to help raise awareness for PA’s state fish…
Read MoreOver the years so much Federal and private money has been spent in the U.S. trying to recover our Atlantic salmon, which is an endangered species, that the total monetary figure is elusive. It is in the millions and millions of dollars…
Read MoreFor decades, fish conservation has been trout-centric. It has also been wild-centric, not native-centric…
Read MoreIn what can only be seen as an act of turf protection, and a lack of concern for at-risk species, the Maine Department of Inland Fisheries & Wildlife (DIFW) and Department of Marine Resources (DMR) opposed a bill that would have made the state-level listing of federally listed species mandatory…
Read MoreThe following pictures are recent NFC/Epic/MidCurrent raffle winner Grayson Jones enjoying his new Epic 4wt Packlight fly rod…
Read MoreThe Biden administration is set to toss out President Donald Trump’s efforts to scale back the number of streams, marshes and other wetlands that fall under federal protection, kicking off a legal and regulatory scuffle over the fate of wetlands and waterways around the country, from the arid West to the swampy South…
Read MoreThe work of PA NFC in regard to drawing attention to wild native brook trout was recognized in Outdoor News…
Read MoreNFC partnered with Friends of Merrymeeting Bay and others to try to pass a law that would require the state of Maine to list federally listed species at the state-level…
Read MoreNo one can challenge that federally-listed species are in trouble at the state level. This is especially true in regard to Atlantic salmon which are only found in Maine…
Read MoreThe Alabama chapter of NFC had a booth at the 2021 Darterfest in Birmingham, Alabama…
Read MoreThe winning ticket, out of 100, was #51. The winner is William from Texas…
Read MoreAs we have said countless time, it all starts with information, education, and public challenges to the status quo…
Read MoreGetting the word out and challenging bad practices is the first step toward reform…
Read MoreWhile species are being lost to extinction, states like Maine are refusing to acknowledge or fully support the federal Endangered Species Act (ESA)…
Read MoreNFC Executive Director Bob Mallard looks at what states are doing in regard to supporting, or not, the federal ESA…
Read MoreThe winner of the April 2021 membership drive is Arthur from New Hampshire…
Read MoreNFC Executive Director Bob Mallard chimes in on Vermont’s current proposal to reduce their highest-in-native-range daily limit on brook trout in rivers and streams from 12 fish to 8 fish…
Read MoreThe Massachusetts chapter of Native Fish Coalition is fortunate to have a skilled fabricator in their volunteer ranks…
Read MoreWhile NFC has no presence in the state, in August of 2020, NFC Executive Director Bob Mallard entered into discussions with folks from The Greater Lake Superior Foundation in Minnesota…
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