WV NFC assisted WVDNR to help reintroduce brook trout to a stream in the eastern panhandle region where they had been extirpated…
Read MorePA NFC staffed a table to promote the wild native fish message and how local organizations and individuals can get involved…
Read MoreThis challenges the theory that brown trout may be better suited to our warming waters than brook trout…
Read MoreThe Maryland chapter of NFC worked with Maryland Department of Natural Resources on an informational sign pertaining to water temperatures for the Savage River...
Read MoreNicholas and company logged over 4oo miles in 4 trucks and spent over 10 hours driving, hiking, and posting signs...
Read MoreThe Ohio chapter of NFC partnered with Captina Conservancy to educate the public in regard to native fish...
Read MoreWe felt that creating fish passage that would allow stocked and nonnative fish access to water they did not have access to today with no plan to suspend stocking just didn’t make sense. ..
Read MoreWhile there were redfin pickerel, banded sunfish, and swamp darter, unfortunately, no brook trout were encountered…
Read MoreIt wouldn’t take much of a change in flow to turn this dam from a minor inconvenience to a potential fish passage blocking structure…
Read MoreNew Hampshire NFC Vice Chair Aliess John and board member Jeff Moore recently joined volunteers from Pemigiwassett TU and NH Fish & Game…
Read MoreThe Ohio chapter of NFC recently partnered with Cleveland Metroparks and Friends of Euclid Creek…
Read MoreThe Ohio chapter of NFC joined Cleveland Metroparks and Tinker's Creek Watershed Partners to host a native fish stream sampling event..
Read MoreBased on water temperature data collected in 2023, the only places in the Trout Brook watershed that remained cool enough to support wild brook trout were the headwaters and two small spring tributaries…
Read MoreThis effort has proven worthwhile as we have picked up a few mistakes that would be addressed the following year, and as the list of stocked waters gets smaller, other problems become more visible…
Read MoreFollowing up on a project started this winter, the Vermont chapter of NFC recently posted more informational signs pertaining to threatened shad on the VT side of the Connecticut River…
Read MoreFunds raised at the event will be used to help mitigate damage to the riparian area of a small stream as a result of logging…
Read MoreMaine NFC’s State Heritage Fish Waters informational sign initiative is NFC’s largest volunteer effort to date…
Read MoreThe Wisconsin chapter of NFC recently tabled at the Driftless Drive In Fly fishing Show…
Read MoreThe North Carolina chapter of Native Fish Coalition worked with North Carolina Wildlife Resources Commission and U.S. Forest Service…
Read MoreIn what is NFC’s largest volunteer effort to date, informational signs were just posted on the 350th State Heritage Fish Water in Maine…
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