It’s always good to see a species being proposed for delisting after years of struggling to survive…
Read MoreIn addition to helping brand native redeye bass, as well as native fish and NFC, money raised by the shirts will be used to fund wild native fish conservation efforts…
Read MoreVermont NFC’s wild native brook trout signs are spotlighted in a short YouTube video on fly fishing small streams in Vermont by…
Read MoreNFC has just received a batch of new logo schwag items…
Read MoreNonnative and highly invasive smallmouth bass pose a real and immediate threat to the most famous Atlantic salmon in North America, those of the Miramichi River…
Read MoreIt’s time to suspend salmon stocking, provide absolute protection to salmon, and stop protecting nonnative lake trout and bass…
Read MoreNFC is looking to extend our contiguous footprint in the Northeast, now represented by Maine, New Hampshire, Vermont, Massachusetts, Connecticut, and Pennsylvania, by adding a New York…
Read MoreNFC is looking to extend our contiguous footprint in the Mid-Atlantic, now represented by Ohio, Pennsylvania and West Virginia, by adding a Virginia chapter…
Read MoreThanks to a generous offer from Jeff Yates, Director of Volunteer Operations for Trout Unlimited to attend and table at the recent Cx3 event in Portland, Maine…
Read MoreOnline fly fishing media giant MidCurrent recently shared a spotlight on NFC’s Emily Bastian that originally ran in Fly Fisherman magazine…
Read MoreTo be clear, in most cases, mechanical removal - electrofishing, trapping and netting — is not an effective tool for eradicating nonnative fish…
Read MoreWith our twelfth state chapter, New Jersey, just added, NFC is looking for where to go next...
Read MoreUnfortunately, as is often the case, as soon as we get a bit of good news, we take our foot off the breaks and start thinking about fishermen as opposed to fish…
Read MoreNFC just added a cool new 3mm white neoprene koozie with a white national NFC logo and “PROTECT. PRESERVE. RESTORE.” …
Read MoreI am thrilled to announce that Emily Bastian has accepted the role of Hunt Fish Assistant Store Manager…
Read MoreAn electroshock fish census on May 18 by Massachusetts state fish biologist Steve Hurley revealed that Upper Childs River, the site of a restoration project led by the Falmouth Rod & Gun Club, saw a major spike in the population of wild brook trout…
Read MoreAs part of his monthly column with Northwoods Sporting Journal, NFC Executive Director Bob Mallard rebutted a prior article written by editor V. Paul Reynold’s that defended stocking nonnative lake trout over rare wild native Arctic charr…
Read MoreAs part of his regular column, and in response to editor V. Paul Reynolds’ defense of Maine’s hybrid splake stocking program, NFC Executive Director Bob Mallard interjects some science into the discussion around this controversial and dangerous management program…
Read MoreCalifornia is set to "humanely euthanize" 350,000 rainbow trout due to disease rapidly spreading through the state's population…
Read MoreThe House of Representatives has passed the Recovering America’s Wildlife Act (H.R. 2773) in a 231-190 vote, bringing us one step closer to securing a solution that has been championed by the hunting and fishing community…
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