NFC members and volunteers have been busy breaching manmade rock dams to help fish pass during what is an unprecedented drought in the region…
Read MoreAs part of his new monthly column, Native Fish Talk, in the Northwoods Sporting Journal, NFC Executive Director Bob Mallard writes about sea-run brook trout…
Read MoreWe just drew the winner for an extremely cool Epic 476 FastGlass fly rod from Swift Fly Fishing in New Zealand…
Read MoreInterviewed for the article a couple of months before it came out, NFC Executive Director and Maine Board member Bob Mallard raised some concerns in regard to how Maine…
Read MoreIn the third installment of his new conservation column in MidCurrent, Native Fish Coalition Executive Director Bob Mallard tackles the issue of daily bag limits…
Read MoreWhile googling some river flow data, I noticed that the picture associated with Maine’s Magalloway River…
Read MoreThe Maine NFC led State Heritage Fish (SHF) sign initiative has reached another milestone. This time it’s the 400th SHF sign posted…
Read MoreJerry Derosier is what NFC calls an all-star wild native fish volunteer…
Read MoreHaving one’s rivers is important, like having family or a country. With rivers, though, you get to choose. I prefer mine rippling with wild brook trout, which is to say clean and secluded. And because my time and place coincide with an irruption of my species…
Read MoreIn 2005, Sportsman’s Alliance of Maine (SAM) went to the Maine…
Read MoreThirty-five years ago, I saw a fish over 30-inches, leap from the brown water and attempt to clear a small falls on the Seboeis River, only to slide back into the white foam below…
Read MoreIn the May/June 2020 edition, NFC Executive Director Bob Mallard provides a brief overview and status update in regard to Maine’s rare Arctic charr, formerly known as blueback trout…
Read MoreNFC is excited to announce that our Pennsylvania chapter is now live…
Read MoreTo be clear, most of what was presented in the article is accurate. And where subjective; it is as valid, or not, as the opposing position…
Read MoreHaving said they “move in a different direction,” the hope was that the commission was looking to modernize the department, make it more representative of, and responsive to, the various user groups, and otherwise move fish and wildlife management in New Hampshire in a positive direction…
Read MoreNFC certainly can’t argue with some of what is said in the article, as it mimics, almost verbatim, what we have said for several years now. Doing so would be disingenuous and hypocritical, and we would surely, and rightfully so, be called on it…
Read MoreIn the roughly 25 months since the project started, we have posted one or more State Heritage Fish signs on 250 lakes and ponds in Maine…
Read More(July 17, 2020) WASHINGTON, D.C.—Representatives of thousands of sportsmen and women across the country filed a friend of the court brief today in support of a lawsuit to overturn the Waters of the United States rule (2020 WOTUS rule)…
Read MoreGet outside, get off the grid, stay away from the crowds, learn some new remote and undeveloped wild native trout water, and help protect this irreplaceable wild native trout resource…
Read MoreEpic fiberglass fly rods are a favorite of NFC members and supporters. Nothing excels on the small wild native trout streams we love like fiberglass, and no one does fiberglass better than Epic…
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